Astoria Riverfront Trolley

• Astoria Riverfront Trolley known as "Old 300" offers a guided hour-long tour
• The ride service operates daily from Memorial to Labor Day

A vivid picture of history, Astoria Riverfront Trolley also known as "Old 300" offers a guided hour-long round trip ride through the oldest Oregon city along the waterfront of the Columbia River and Astoria Riverfront Walk.

This is a signature trolley that was built by the American Car Company in 1913 for the San Antonio Traction Company in Texas. The streetcar continued its service in San Antonio until 1933 and later was acquired by San Antonio Museum Association.

"Old 300" was brought to Oregon in 1990 and for more than four years had been running between Portland and Lake Oswego on the Willamette Shore Line. At the end of 1998, the historical streetcar was delivered to Astoria. After restoration in June 1999, the trolley service was open.

The periodic maintenance and repairs of the streetcar and tracks are done by volunteers from the Astoria Riverfront Trolley Association with financial assistance from the city government.

The refurbished Old 300 trolley is a major tourist attraction that captures sites of the city, allowing to enjoy Astoria's vintage waterfront, catch some glimpses of the architectural edifice, waterfront houses and constructions, ships and boats, and other contemporary and historic sights that the city has to offer.

A 3-mile (4.8 km) Astoria Riverfront Trolley service uses former freight railroad tracks that run along the Columbia River bank. It has a capacity of carrying from 35,000 to 40,000 people annually. A fare for one boarding is $1 with unlimited riding time. For $2 you can board all day long. The streetcar service route extends from Hamburg Ave (Uniontown) to 39th Street (East Mooring Basin Boat Ramp).

For the passengers’ convenience, additional locations for stops and boarding have been put in place. Each location has benches and weather shelters. Although, you can flag the trolley at any location along the route by waving one-dollar bill.


The route extends for five miles from the Port to Tongue Point. A GPS navigation device has been installed making information regarding the streetcar's location available on the website.

The ride service operates daily between Memorial and Labor Day, from Noon to 6 p.m. While out of service, the trolley stays in the depot on the west end of the town.

Phone: 503-325-6311

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  1. what is the schedule for the trolley in Astoria riverfront. I am taking a cruises in May.

    1. Author

      March 25th through April 9th (Spring Break) – every day from Noon to 6 pm
      After April 9th – Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Cruise Ship days from Noon to 6 pm

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